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바르질라코리아(주) Project Support Engineer, Ship Electrification Solutions 모집

  • · 경력 3년 이상
  • · 최종학력 BSc./MSc. in Electric and Automation engineering
  • · 근무형태 정규직
  • · 근무지역 부산 중
  • · 성별 무관
  • · 급여조건 사규에 따름
  • · 상세직종 엔지니어 / Project Support Engineer
  • · 모집마감일 2023-12-10

모집 요강 및 기타 정보

We are looking for a Project Support Engineer who will work in Wartsila Marine Power Ship Electrification Solutions (SES) in our team located in Busan, Korea. 

As a Project Support Engineer within SES, you will get involved a variety of integrated electrical systems including shaft generator systems, battery hybrid and full electric solutions to newbuild segments. You will belong to the project team through all stages from engineering design to delivery and commissioning of a project in the global maritime market. 

In this role you will be reporting to the local Manager whilst technically this new position will be closely working with the local field service engineers and engineering teams in Germany, Norway and China within SES. 

▣ 채용인원: O명

▣ 주요업무 :

As a Project Support Engineer you will follow Wartsila package integrated projects which include shaft generator project, marine electric systems, complicated electric propulsion project, integrated hybrid/battery systems project execution in Korea and other Asia shipbuilding countries, with the focus on these responsibilities: 

Provide the 1st level technical support for field service engineers.

         - Provide standard answers to commonly recurring technical questions from field service engineers as a first point of contact.

         - Assist with FS engineers by getting support from internal engineering team or sub suppliers.

         - Collaborate with FS engineers and development team to perform troubleshooting for software related issues.

         - Attend sea trial for the 1st vessel of series project to support field service engineer if required.

Plan and manage the commissioning tasks.
         - Prepare and finalize the commissioning plan and time schedules.

         - Manage commissioning activities to be finalized within a contracted man/days budget.

         - Attend internal/external commissioning kick-off meetings and organize commissioning start-up with FS coordinators. 

         - Monitor commissioning progress and ensure commissioning documents and tests procedures are followed during commissioning stages.

         - Contribute to follow up with missing and wrong deliveries for installations and commissioning.

Take care of internal communications with European SES engineers
Address risks, issues, and solutions to colleagues with various technical backgrounds.
Develop lessons learnt and risk management to improve design, process, and efficiency for future performance.
Participate in the investigation of technical problems and the establishment of procedures, corrective actions, root cause analysis to avoid recurrences.
Around 30% of work hours to be assigned at site/onboard.

▣ 자격요건:

•     B.Sc./MSc.in Electric and Automation Engineering

Min. 3 years of experiences in Marine Power Electric System or Marine Control Systems 

Excellent communication skills in Korean and English, both verbal and written

Willingness to travel and be onboard vessel for clarifying technical issues and supporting field service engineers onsite. 

Willingness to do the self-improvement, share skills & expertise and learn new technologies.

A collaborative solution-focused approach and strong teamwork spirit

▣ 제출서류:

· 영문 이력서와 영문 커버레터

· 국문 이력서와 국문 자기소개서
· 양식은 자유

· 홈페이지 지원 : https://careers.wartsila.com/job-invite/39283/

· 주의사항: 수집하지 않는 정보가 기재되어있는 경우, 지원서가 반려될 수 있습니다

- 개인정보보호법에 따라 주민등록번호대신 생년월일만 수집합니다.

- 채용절차의 공정화에 관한 법률에 따라 신체적 조건(키, 체중 등), 출신지역, 혼인여부, 재산, 직계 존비속 및 형제 자매의 학력, 직업 재산에 대한 정보는 수집하지 않습니다.

기업 정보


홈페이지 www.wartsila.com
전화 051-329-0500
팩스 051-324-4348
담당자 인사부
주소 부산 중구 충장대로9번길 46 한진해운빌딩 관정빌딩 20층(중앙동4가)
바르질라코리아(주)는 바르질라주식회사의 100% 현지 외국투자법인으로 핀란드 헬싱키에 본사를 두고 있습니다.

한국에는 선박사업부와 서비스사업부를 운영하면서 엔진 추진장치를 포함한 전 Wärtsilä 생산품에 대하여 마케팅 및 판매를 시작으로 고객들을 위하여 설계, 설치및 운전 등 전 과정에 대한 기술지도를 통하여, 해당선박이 무결점으로 인도되도록 기여할 뿐만아니라, 기술제휴사에서 생산하는 제품에 대해서도 동일한 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.

중, 대형 선박 엔진 분야의 인재를 모집하고 있으니 관심 있으신 분의 많은 지원 바랍니다. 당사에 대한 자세한 정보는 홈페이지 (https://www.wartsila.com/careers)를 참조하시기 바랍니다.